Review: Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

“With great power comes great responsibility” is a quote almost everyone on the planet can remember. It’s a quote that was the beginning of one of the best superheroes we’ve got. A kindhearted young man with a great sense of humor who will always put the people of New York first. Spider-Man is one of my favorite heroes of all time, so you can imagine how psyched I was with the first Spider-Man game on the PS4. It was a great experience that captured the full core of Spider-Man and I enjoyed every second of it. The game showed the world what a Spider-Man game should look like and after that, we’ve gotten the Miles Morales story that also occurs in the Spider-Man universe. This week we got our hands on Spider-Man 2… Let’s see if it has become even better!



Let’s talk about the story you’ll be experiencing in Spider-Man 2. Each superhero has a couple of villains that always come around. For example, Spider-Man is always confronted with the Green Goblin, Sandman, Rhino, … Without spoiling too much, a couple of these re-occurring villains might sneak their way back into Spider-Man 2 but you’ll have to figure that out yourself. The main villain in this story is Kraven, the Hunter. Kraven, the Hunter is a villain that hunts people who show extraordinary talents, like superpowers in particular. The hunter tries to find an equal that can join his force but day after day, he gets disappointed and will try his luck in a different region. The region we’re talking about is of course New York, the city that never sleeps. For the people who’ve been living under a rock, New York is a dangerous city that originates a lot of heroes and villains alike. This hasn’t gone unnoticed by Kraven and his minions. The first targets Kraven gains an interest in, are of course the New York villains but his focus changes course quickly as he gets information about the new set of powers Spider-Man has gotten. This new set of powers comes from a powerful being that calls itself Venom. Venom has gained the status of one of Spider-Man’s archenemies besides the Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus. It’s important to know that Venom is an alien symbiote that merges with a human. By choosing Spider-Man as his host, Spider-Man gains new abilities. Of course, this symbiote comes with great danger as it feeds upon the doubts of our beloved hero and causes an internal conflict. Kraven sees this dangerous fusion as one of its biggest prey.


“You could say that both have a shared head part to play in the coming story. “


Of course, it’s not all bout the conflict between Spider-Man and Kraven. The game also gives a bit of room to let the character of Peter Parker grow as well. Peter Parker has trouble finding his way back into society after the death of his Aunt May. He tries to go for a job as a respected professor but hero stuff always gets in the way. Being a hero doesn’t always come with financial wealth and our hero learns this the hard way as bills start to build up and cause a financial headache. You also get a glance at his life with MJ and how they’re doing as a couple. Thank god, being a superhero also has some advantages like being friends with another superhero like Miles Morales for example. Miles Morales also gets room to breathe to get his life back on track. He hangs out with his beloved friends and tries to get into a music school. In Spider-Man 2, it’s not all about Peter Parker but also about Miles Morales.



You could say that both have a shared head part to play in the coming story. Most of the time you’ll be able to do side missions with one of the two because side missions are still a big part of this franchise. In Spider-Man 2 you’ll have access to a mobile device that gives you “instant alerts” and it’s up to you to respond or not. At some point during the main story, the game will take over automatically and give you control over the hero you’re supposed to play. Both play an important part in the main story and how they both play during combat is also different. In other words, Spider-Man 2 gives you multiple perspectives during the same story which offers you an exhilarating journey.


“Even though I like the fast travel system, I still like the free-roaming mode.”


Talking about story and side missions. It doesn’t take long before you can web-slinger around in the busiest city in the world. Different neighborhoods like Manhattan, and the East River, … are available to roam and explore. Every area has some side activities to do, that will eventually mark your progression as well. This is necessary as the system allows you to instant travel anywhere that you’ve explored. There are no specific Fast Travel points, you just have to click on a certain point in the explored map and you’ll instant travel. It’s a great system!



Even though I like the fast travel system, I still like the free-roaming mode. Spider-Man 2 offers different ways to traverse through New York and all of these different traversal features also have the ability to become upgraded. It’s all about getting that speed or height and getting that momentum going. Of course, web-slinging is the most iconic way to traverse through the busy streets of Spider-Man. You’ll have the ability to launch (or catapult) yourself into the sky to get that first boost you need to gain momentum. By jumping to the next web-slinger at a specific moment, you’ll be able to control your height and speed. It’s also amazing to see that this “web-slinging” isn’t static. You can tell that a lot of work has been put into this. When you gain momentum, you’ll be able to traverse in style as you perform acrobatics and cool tricks. Of course, wall climbing and wall running are also features that are available to you.


“It’s these kinds of details that put a smile on my face, it just makes the game a bit more complete.”


Another traversal option is the use of Web Wings. At any given time, you’ll be able to activate your Web Wings to keep your altitude if there aren’t any high buildings around to perform a decent web swing. You can also go easily into Web Swings from your Web Wing which allows you to keep the traversal fluent. You will also be able to use air currents in the different areas that act like flying tunnels to get from point A to B very quickly. It’s also great to use these currents and ditch them en route to respond to a certain alert. Now there aren’t “Web Flippers” in the game to keep your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man from drowning but momentum will. If you gain enough speed, you’ll be able to ski over the water. If momentum fails over the water, there are still enough boats to web sling to. You also have the option to turn on fall damage, this will definitely cause some comical situations.



I also love the fact that your buddy (depending on what Spider-Man you’re playing) will be roaming the city as well. When you’re responding to an alert, there’s a good chance that your partner will tag along or is already at the scene. It’s not only an aesthetic feature but you’ll also be able to perform tag takedowns which make the game a lot more spectacular. It’s these kinds of details that put a smile on my face, it just makes the game a bit more complete.


“The combat system just works and fits Spider-Man perfectly.”


Just like previous Spider-Man games, the combat system is the same as before but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing because the system works. Therefore, you might think that the combat system feels easy and not too complex. The basics are very easy but hard to master. You’ll deliver some heavy blows and you try to dodge incoming attacks by using the Spider-Sense system. The moment you’re being targeted, you’ll be able to dodge the attack and deliver a counter. Spider-Man also has a range of special equipment and abilities to use. By completing main and side missions you’ll gain experience points and these can be used to unlock new abilities or upgrade previous ones. The further you’re into the game, the better the combat turns out. The combat system just works and fits Spider-Man perfectly.



Each Spider-Man also has its own talent tree because they both have their own abilities. Peter Parker is able to use Doctor Octopus-like arms in battle which helps him to lift enemies in the sky or deliver a lot of blows in a couple of seconds. Miles Morales uses his electric energy to perform big area blasts… In other words, these special attacks definitely will help you in the upcoming battles. They also have a shared talent tree that includes upgrades to your movement and health.


“The difficulty of these boss fights depends on the upgrades and abilities you’ve acquired.”


How you start combat is totally up to you, this counts especially towards side missions. You can always start the battle head-on but there is also the choice to attempt to stealth kill the enemies. I do have to mention that head-on battles aren’t always “optional”, especially when you’re talking about the mercenaries of Kraven. Sometimes, you’re being forced into an un-stealthy approach. Just like any other open-world game, being stealthy has its advantages. By approaching a situation “stealthy” you’ll be able to thin out the herd and heighten the percentage of completing your mission unharmed. You’ll be able to lure enemies and hang them from the ceiling or take them out with traps. Then again, approaching a mission “stealthy” takes a bit more time than you would with a head-on battle. In other words, whatever suits your playstyle best.



You also have a great amount of boss fights. These fights are truly spectacular ( as they should be in a superhero game) but range in different difficulties. The difficulty of these boss fights depends on the upgrades and abilities you’ve acquired. Some suits give you advantages when you use a certain power or they might boost your health bar. Some gadgets can also give you an advantage when you’re in a conflict with a boss. The best tip I can give: just take your time and enjoy the ride. Do your exploring and respond to alerts on your phone, and you’ll be able to fasten your upgrades.


“The level of detail has definitely been upgraded.”


Just like the previous games, you can choose between a couple of modes to enhance your game: performance or fidelity mode. Fidelity mode sets the game on the highest resolutions and graphical settings with a steady 30 fps. Performance mode is all about the settings that will keep your game running at a stable 60 fps. The performance mode will run the game with a lower resolution and fewer details. Even though these modes have a different focus, the game still looks gorgeous. It’s a combination of realism and heroic fantasy and it just works.



The level of detail has definitely been upgraded. All 3D objects such as buildings, the people, and the interior of the apartments, … have a lot more detail than in previous games. The game also features a day and night cycle and a dynamic weather system that heightens the game’s graphical quality. When we’re talking about the audio aspect of the game, it’s all quality. It’s also very enjoyable to hear the total cast speak. They all have their quirks and style which makes the conversation fun to listen to.



The Spider-Man 2 game builds further on the foundation of the previous game. The game delivers a detailed and gorgeous open world full of events and random situations. It’s an open world that invites the player to act like a superhero and gives him the room to approach the events as he or she sees fit. Spider-Man 2 gives you the opportunity to take control of the different heroes and upgrade their powers to your liking. The combat system is quite the same as in previous games but becomes more impactful in the later game. The main story is definitely okay but not the best but the side story that resolves around Peter Parker and his relationship with MJ or Miles Morales finding his way into the school of his dreams while both Spider-Man trying to combine the superhero job with reality, makes up for great character progress. In other words, Insomniac delivered what they’re supposed to do, a great Spider-Man game. If you have enjoyed the previous game, you will have already bought it. If you’re looking to get into the franchise, this game delivers the best version you can get and it will be enjoyable nonetheless. Just don’t expect something totally new.


tested on PS5