Review: Dragon Quest XI S for Stadia

Welcome to our review of Dragon Quest XI S for Google Stadia, my favourite game has arrived on Google Stadia.

Dragon Quest XI is probably my favourite game of all time. I just love it so much, I even went 100% on it and the accompanying hundreds of hours. I remember googling achievements and so much more. I finished it on pretty much every console and only really had Stadia left as a platform to play it.

As always, I do my due diligence with any Stadia title, I verify my bandwidth which was above the usual, 95 out of a max 100 was available and my upload speed was 22, mbps in case you would be curious. Things should have played most smoothly and quite frankly, it was not disappointing at all.

The game played smoothly and aside from the auto run constantly turning itself on and not being able to properly edit this to make the luminary run in the right direction, things were fine. I do have to say that this is most annoying as a bug/feature and I just hate it passionately that I can not just to turn this off.

IF there is a way to turn this off, someone please let me know, I actually stopped playing after a few hours because of this and I would love to restart.

I can also confirm this is not just the Stadia controller as I had the same issue on my Odin Pro. The Odin reported an average of 55FPS average at the best times of day and surprisingly it went down to high 40s in the middle of the night. It is usually the other way around, but hey, beggars cant be choosers and I do prefer this.

Graphically, Stadia did not disappoint in many ways as it did lag a little after the usual few hours. Some short bursts of pixelised seconds and then it evens out again.

I do have the impression that Stadia is improving, I remember completely different statistics and issues. I really wonder what a service like this would be like in countries with much better or much worse internet. For now at least, Belgian internet does not disappoint most of the time. I guess that is all I can say about that.


In case you wanted to know about the game, I have several reviews up on the site and would recommend reading my oldest review, which was my original impression and I did call it GOTY material for 2 years in a row, so I am sure that is a good indication where I stand…