Another history simulator sailed into the haven of GamingBoulevard, and naturally, I took up the role of fleet admiral to tackle this fiend. Time to get comfy and sing some sea-shanties, because it won’t be smooth sailing.
For those familiar with my background, I usually give some historical insight and background if I review one that I deem fit for the genre. This might result in a historical analysis in which I compare facts with gameplay or give some background on the game. For example, in Norman’s Great Illusion, sure not the best game around, but at least it gave the title some context. Sadly Her Majesty’s Ship should go straight to Davy Jones Locker (which I would explain, but sadly this game does not even deserve that much).
Her Majesty’s Ship
According to the official game page for Her Majesty’s Ship, all young naval officers dream of becoming Admiral. Still, few realize this can’t be done without a loyal crew and keeping the vessel under your command afloat! Sure, that has a specific historical basis; sadly, playing this game wanted me to start a mutiny against my Switch.
The base premise of Her Majesty’s Ship is a resource management game. You start your career as a Captain on a 3rd rate Ship of the Line, then work your way up to become the next Admiral of the Fleet. The primary objective of the game is to be promoted to Admiral of the Fleet, without having any mutiny nor losing the vessel. The player will receive tasks from the admiralty, which will need to be executed to get the desired promotion.
The Navy doesn’t take lightly to having a crew mutiny onboard one of their vessels. It’s a career-limiting move. Along the way, the player will be challenged with various tasks and tempted with targets of opportunity while keeping the crew happy and not ending with a mutiny.
With the formal part over, let’s help this ship to the bottom of the sea. When I booted up the game, I started with the tutorial. I watched some trailers before starting the game and was intrigued by the concept. Sadly it did not deliver (if that was not clear until now, it’s horrible). The graphics look cringy, and the movements of the crew are stale and clunky. If you delivered this game 15 years back on a Windows PC, it would have been a hit, but not in 2020 on the Nintendo Switch.
Do you want more proof? During the tutorial and campaign, my map bugged out on me, in which the flags of the nations participating kept getting in the way. Using a cannon to battle other ships (including the other stuff you have to do) feels tedious and does not think of accomplishment. It mostly feels like a quick money grab and unpolished/rushed. My advice, don’t buy this game, buy a book about the Royal Navy or the Dutch in the Golden Age; they teach you more than this ‘game.’