Review: Dragonball FighterZ (Switch)

It’s here! It’s fast but does it live up to the standard and gameplay set by the PS4 and Xbox One versions? Or did we get a toned down version tailored to the Switch’s capabilities? Arc System Works and Namco bandai have silenced one side of the table. Find out which one!

When the tag team fighter was announced everyone hoped it would be announced for the Nintendo Switch as well. Unfortunately, only the PS4 and XBONE logos graced the screen after the reveal. A lot of people said it the Switch wouldn’t be able to run such a fast paced and visually esthetic game. And then came the announcement that it would come to Switch! Of course the same people were talking that it wouldn’t be as good… There would be a lot missing from the original versions. That the game wouldn’t be able to hit 60 fps… And that it would be unplayable whenever it would be undocked…



Well just like how Krillin keeps dying, the Switch keeps setting the bar higher for what the system is capable of! Bandai Namco did a great job bringing the competitive tag brawler to the switch and there is no compromise whatsoever.

OK the last part is a lie. But it’s a lie only if you put the PS4 and XBONE versions side by side to the Nintendo Switch version. Some visual effects have been toned down but I guarantee that when you only look at the Switch version you won’t even notice something’s missing! So yes, a small insignificant visual trade-off has been made. But what did we get in return?


The game still delivers 60 fps of fast paced, chaos induced and nerve wrecking fighting which is the only thing the fans wanted! You don’t want it to run at less than 60 frames do you? All of this is rendered in 1080p High Definition straight from the Switch. So where are the haters now? I guess they were obliterated by the plethora of colorful super finishing moves the game offers!

Now the reason the game runs well is that it is actually not heavy on textures. We got the amazing art style to thank for that! Nevertheless it is by far one of the best additions to the fighting game genre on Switch! Something fans of DBZ and the fighting genre have been asking for!

“Only Akira Toriyama can come up with gold and purple combinations in his characters!”


The game hasn’t cut anything from the story of Android 21 compared to the previous releases on PS4 and XBONE. Something I did notice were the cutscenes during the story that looked kind of choppy and not that fluent as a whole… I compared them to the PS4 version and even on the playstation they already were very choppy. Not the Switch’s fault at all. During the gameplay itself I have never ever encountered any stuttering of frame rate drops. Not even when you and a P2 use tag support moves whilst using a finishing move. Every input gets executed perfectly and without lag. Apart from the barely noticeable visual tune downs on effects there is no compromise during gameplay itself! A big win for both the game and the Switch!

It’s nice to see 3rd party developers try and succeed in bringing quality content the Nintendo Switch. It shows Bandai Namco really care about their fanbase on ALL platforms!

“Everyone’s here!”


The game offers all the game modes you’re used to using the chibi lobby where you and others (if connected though the internet) can go into Practice mode to hone your skills and try out new combo sequences. Or you can use the in-game currency (Zeni) to complete your customization options. Why not give the original story a go where a new Android is introduced and enemies become friends to save the earth! You can also create your own Tag Team Tournament in Local Mode or take the fight online and challenge friends and foes to compete and rewatch gameplays of your craziest moments! Online you can get into parties of 6vs6 where every player takes control of 1 character within the tag team match! Local Mode also supports a 1vs1 option where pure character skill and combos can lead to a sudden death win!

Now how does it run in handheld mode? It runs well! Very well! Again no lag or stuttering and you can even play using simplified controls so each player only uses 1 Joy-Con controller! You can finally take the fight anywhere! What I did notice was that some crisp details in docked mode will look a bit less sharp when playing undocked. Also the background turns a tad blurrier. It is barely noticeable in such a high speed game and this results in a no compromise gameplay-wise! Something I value more than the crispness of Vegeta’s Super Saiyan hair.


I peed a little when I saw this at reveal!


Dragonball FighterZ on Switch is a no gameplay compromise and is a visually stunning and vibrant game that sets the bar for the next ones. It shows that a triple A game from a 3rd party can be brought to the Nintendo Switch and thanks to that we can enjoy our legendary battles whenever and wherever we want!
