NEWS: South Park screenshots and info

We got new information and the first screens of the upcoming South Park game.

The game will be a RPG similar to games like Paper Mario and will star little children beating each other like ‘real little bastards’. Check inside for the latest information and the first screenshots.

Matt MacLean, the lead designer of the South Park game mentioned during an interview that the combat will be very similar to Paper Mario. This means the battles will be turn based and that you’ll have to push a button on the right time to inflict even more damage.

His vision on the combat:

“A lot of the combat in South Park is really just kids being kids,” said MacLean. “There’s a lot of juvenile violence with wholly unsafe toys. When we showed Matt and Trey an early build, one of the comments was: ‘I want the kids the bleed more. I want the kids to cry more. I want these kids to really just treat each other like crap because that’s what kids do. They’re really rough with each other.’


“So I think that was one of the things they really wanted out of combat: kids being little bastards.”

The game will also feature different playable classes, an example:

MacLean also said that one of the playable classes in the game, “Jew”, is similar to the Paladin or Monk class in standard RPG fare.

“The current design for him is he’s a high-risk/high-reward character,” he said. “The closer he is to death, the more powerful his abilities become. So you’re strongest when you are at one hit point, but you’re also just about to die.”


The game will be released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC next year
