30Nov 16
Top Ten: Worst line deliveries in video games
yordi verhoene Home, Specials, Top 10 Arcade, Capcom, DS, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy X, GameCube, Konami, Mega Drive, Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes, N64, PC engine, PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, Playstation 2, Resident Evil, Sega, Square Enix, Xbox 360, Xbox One, castlevania symphony of the night, genesis, megaman X4, midway, mortal kombat 4, overblood, pc, riverhillsoft, saturn, toaplan, xbox, zero wing November 30, 2016
Guys, Voice acting is hard. You not only need to deliver lines with confidence but without a good director to tell you the how's and what's things might fall apart....