Another day, another E3 2019 predictions article! This time, we’re looking forward to what Bethesda will bring to the show.
Bethesda has some heavy hitters on the way, but at the same time, there is Fallout 76. I obviously think we are getting the newest DOOM Eternal game. They will spend a vast amount of time to talk about this one and a remaster of some of the older games would not even surprise me. DOOM will be 1 of the 2 main pillars for Bethesda.
Wolfenstein Youngblood is coming later this summer and it should be prominently featured in this E3. Bethesda is known for having great presentations and Youngblood will be very hyped.
And Fallout 76, it is either getting a major revamp or it is being dropped dead cold. I sadly kind of hope the latter option.
In an ideal world I would like to hear more about the announced Elder Scrolls VI game but that might actually be wishful thinking. It’s been known that it is still early days in the development. Maybe the title will be announced but beyond that, I’m not holding my breath.
The only new Elder Scrolls news we might have will be in the form of the Elder Scrolls Legends game. A card game which will use the Elder Scrolls lore and will be similar to Hearthstone.
Doom Eternal and Wolfenstein: Youngblood will probably be the main focus for Bethesda. These games are close to being released so building hype now would be more than logical.
It’s been 25 years since Bethesda actually tried their hands at something completely new. I’m talking about their upcoming space RPG Starfield. I’m doubting we’ll see much this E3 because they’ve only just announced it. But I’d like to be surprised anyway.
Nick de Reiger:
Bethesda will focus on Doom, Wolfenstein, and the Elder Scrolls. Three hard-hitting titles that really rebranded themselves over the year. I personally hope that we’ll get a remake of Morrowind, but it will come down to the Hearthstone-equivariant of Elder Scrolls. Still, I’m not into World of Warcraft, but dig Hearthstone, so this could work. Wolfenstein will come to the Switch in more variants since Bethesda titles are doing really well on the system.
Bethesda is a hard nut to crack this year. After the Fallout 76 fiasco and the mediocre reviews of Rage 2, the company will have to do something to redeem itself. Safe guesses are full showcases of upcoming games like Doom Eternal and Wolfenstein Youngblood. I’m pretty sure both games will impress and will get fans of the shooter genre hooked. Both franchises are loved by the fans and I’m guessing these sequels might be some of the best entries in both franchises.
Moving over to the RPG genre, I think Bethesda might actually show The Elder Scrolls VI a bit more. If there’s one game that can lead to hype, it’s this one. By showcasing a new teaser including some world building and perhaps some hints at the story, fans will probably lose their mind.
But what about some nice extra surprises? Bethesda is known for delivering the unexpected and there are some major franchises without new entries. Perhaps we might see The Evil Within 3 or even a new Dishonored entry. And while we’re at it, why not port those to Nintendo Switch? Those are, of course, some wishful thinking entries but I have a feeling Bethesda might surprise us this year!