Preview: Wreckreation – Gamescom 2022

Wreckreation is the next big step for open sandbox racers where the gamers are in full control of everything that’s happening inside the impressive 400 square kilometers big dome called the MixWorld. Start those engines and let the creativity flow freely!

It’s the age of the players

Wreckreation is created by a small team of seven with previous experiences in legendary franchises such as Burnout and Need for Speed, no small names when it comes to the racing genre, and judging on this early version of their new baby, that experience really comes in handy. Unlike other racing games or arcade racers, you’ll have full control of what the game will actually become. The developers told me that the age of developers is over, now it’s the age of the players, something you can take quite literally. When you buy the game, you’ll have access to the entire map and all vehicles, without having to unlock a single thing. It’s important that you’ll have fun right from the start and locking certain cars behind a story mode might stand in the way of free fun. So what’s the point of the game? Well, that’s entirely up to you, you’ll have access to all the tools needed to come up with some crazy racing tracks. Remember all those impressive GTA V racing track mods? Well, it’s basically just that.



Endless possibilities

During my Gamescom 2022 presentation, I witnessed the game being played by two players but the final product will host a lot more space for friends and racers in your created worlds. In every world, there’s a world DJ who will decide what the tracks should look like. He/she can easily create obstacles and come up with crazy game modes on the fly. The editor happens in real time. While one player was building some loops, the other player was already racing on the incomplete tracks. This works surprisingly well and even if you aren’t the world DJ, you can still point out what you like or not and even delete things you don’t like. In the final game, you’ll be able to save and import certain elements of other creators into your own world where you can them remix them with your own obstacles or change them on the go. The game doesn’t want any boundaries when it comes to creation so sharing and recreating clearly is the beating heart of it.



Of course, a game like this will succeed or fail based on the community but during the presentation I had the feeling the developers really knew what they were doing. It’s an ambitious project for sure but if you look at the popularity of certain GTA mods, I’m pretty sure this could be the next big thing for fans of sandbox arcade racers. Just don’t expect a lot of realism here, it’s not a simulator, it’s created for fun and believe me, you’ll have tons of fun with this one!

Early conclusion:

This one really looks promising but will need a community to become good. I’m convinced the blueprint is there and if people get creative, this might easily become a huge success.