Review: A Juggler’s Tale

A Juggler’s Tales tells the story of Abby, a puppet that desperately tries to find her freedom. Along the way, you’ll guide her and help her explore the environment while solving small puzzles and staying out of the hands of a hostile gang. If you’re controlling her, you might ask yourself if little Abby can ever truly be free.

A poetic adventure

Right from the start, you’ll notice that A Juggler’s Tale isn’t your standard 3D sidescroller. A lot of attention went to its narrative and since the game plays as an interactive puppet theater, it won’t come as a surprise that our narrator likes to speak in rhymes. This unique narration immediately sets the tone for this gorgeously created adventure and sucks you into its world in no time. Since it’s created to look like a giant puppet theatre, the world you’re running around in is filled with colorful and vibrant details. One moment you’re walking around in a circus tent while the other moment, you’re walking around in gorgeous fields. It’s clear to see that style and presentation were very important for the developers and they really succeeded in creating something truly memorable.



When you first start the game, you’ll be in awe of its unique style and clever gameplay. Since Abby is a puppet, she’s attached with a couple of strings to an invisible hand. Her “master” is the narrator of the story and doesn’t mind interfering from time to time. It all starts rather sweet and innocent but the more you’ll advance, the more you’ll discover the darker undertone in the story. I won’t go into spoiler territory here since the narrative is one of the game’s biggest strengths, just keep in mind that things might become rather emotional and impactful.

Clever puzzles

Next to the story, the gameplay itself easily steals the show. At its core, this is a rather straightforward 3D platformer where you move from one side to the other, solving puzzles along the way. Those puzzles however are far from straightforward or cliché. During your adventure, you’ll be manipulating tons of items in order to advance. Most of the time, there’s something blocking your way and you need to find a creative solution. From picking up certain objects and levers to pushing back giant enemies. It’s nothing entirely new but your strings play a crucial role and elevate the experience from mundane to truly special.

Since Abby is attached with strings, these strings can get in the way while advancing. Getting your strings stuck behind an object will halt your movement and you’ll need to find another way around it or solve a small puzzle in order to advance. This constant reminder that you’re not as free as you think really sets the tone throughout the entire adventure and creates an interesting atmosphere, to say the least.

The only downside about the puzzles is the fact that there aren’t really that many puzzles to solve. A Juggler’s Tale is a rather short game that can easily be completed in just a couple of hours but that’s nothing bad. It does come at a rather low price for its emotional and original story and is certainly worth playing. There’s also something about the atmosphere and narration that’s very inviting for others to just come to watch the show unfold before your eyes. It’s one of those games that sell a feeling rather than mere gameplay and I loved every second of it. Did I wish it was a bit longer? Perhaps, although I have to be honest here and admit that I didn’t mind this short, bittersweet poetic adventure at all.


A Juggler’s Tale is an amazing and unique game that really deserves all of your attention. It isn’t the longest in terms of gameplay but it’s one of those games that you will carry around in your heart forever. Prepare for something new and be amazed by this brave little adventure!


Tested on Xbox Series X