Nintendo aired a new Indie World Showcase showcase today. Missed the stream? We got a summary for you right here!
Today’s Indie World Showcase starts with a very flashy-looking trailer announcing Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. The game combines skating with graffiti bombing. This will be a timed exclusive on the switch.
Next is a black and white depicting off what will be another “photo game” called Toem A photo adventure. Toem shows a charming world with plenty of moments to take in with your camera. The game comes out this fall.
Classic adventuring is up next with the announcement of Loop Hero. Fans of old skool tactical RPGs will rejoice at the sight of this trailer. Although this game has a twist. Instead of being the hero, you are the “dungeon master” making every loop of the game different and more heroic. This holiday is the presumed release day for this odd take on the RPG genre.
What follows next looks like a steampunk-inspired adventure with lots of industrial-looking machines called FAR changing tides. The game is the sequel for FAR Lone Sails. Developer Okomotive puts you in charge of a vessel that takes you from adventure to adventure. Early 2022 we should see this title hit the Nintendo Switch.
Necrobarista Final Pour is shown next and looks like a quirky adventure. An anime-style experience is actually a director’s cut version of the original game.
Next up is an update on what is available today in Indie land. Garden story, Boyfriend Dungeon, Axiom Verge 2 are all available today.
Shovel Night Pocket dungeon is up next and takes the Shovel Knight characters into a puzzle game looking to take some inspiration from Yoshi’s story and Puyo Puyo. The puzzle elements are intertwined with dungeon crawling making this an interesting take on the genre.
Expand your island with Islanders Console edition. This island-building game looks to be very soothing and relaxed. A minimalistic approach and some strategic flavor added this could be the next chill game to play.
Metal Slug Tactics is up next. The famed Metal Slug saga gets a new dimension. This time the game uses a top-down 3D view instead of the classic 2D take. The tactical take with the famous characters from the series could potentially be big.
Tetris Effect: connected is the next version in Tetris Effect. In connected mode, you will be able to work connected offline or online. October 8th is the expected release date.
A few titles were announced briefly: Astroneer, Hundred days winemaking simulator, slime rancher: plortable edition, Lumbear jack, Curious Expedition 2, Gang Beasts.
Chuckle Fish showed us another update for their upcoming game Eastward. The trailer looked very slick. The game looked like a brawler. September 16 will be the date to look out for this release.
That concluded today’s Indie World Showcase.