Welcome to our review of the final version of Ever Forward, a beautiful 3D puzzle game that just captured my heart even more than the demo.
Ever Forward is an adventure puzzle game — it is the story of Maya. Maya is lost in a strange world somewhere between reality and imagination. She is alone to confront her despair on her journey of discovery, where she must unlock her memories and confront her fears to unravel the secrets of the world. Players will need to use their observational skills and intelligence to solve multiple puzzles to piece together the mystery of Maya’s past and what dark secrets she has buried.
For more than three years, the designers racked their brains, designing puzzles with the “puzzle gamer” in mind. Players will feel deeply challenged and motivated to solve each puzzle, and some puzzles have multiple ways of being completed to fit different kinds of thinkers and logical processes.
I previously reviewed the demo of this game and even back then, I already enjoyed myself very much and now the final version, I can safely say I am in love with this game. My love for these games is well documented and Ever Forward is really just a gem of a game.
It looks gorgeous and every time you control Maya, you just really feel like you are in charge. The puzzles still are more than decent and I was happy to see my brain still able to solve several of them from the start. My puzzle memory activated itself and I was just playing and finishing puzzles in no time.
As I did encounter some puzzles in the demo that were on the harder spectrum, I can not say how they improved as I just clicked with the puzzles and solved them in no time. Even remembering the timing of the jumps and those annoying red lights that kill Maya.
Luckily the instant restart of the levels is still present and well, I can only speak positively for my second experience with Ever Forward. Maybe the timing of the jumping is a little off, but it is all part of the game really.
Like that one level where you need to jump across a red little river that instantly resets your level to the beginning. Now you also need to land behind a pillar so you do not get killed by being seen by the enemy pillar. Sounds easy but this was the first part of the game where I had to go for a do-over rather than just winging it.
After finally getting through that part, I knew for sure, this is a must-buy game and I want it on Switch too. Now luckily the news on the block is that it is getting a physical edition end of this year, so my poor wallet will know what to be undergoing when all the new consoles hit, Ever Forward will join my collection on its day of release.
In conclusion, Ever Forward is possibly the best puzzle game I played this year and despite having had a go at the demo before, I still feel enamored by this game and hope you give it a try!