Opinion: New Galar Evolutions for “forgotten” Pokémon

With the upcoming release of Sword and Shield on the 15th of November GameFreak teased us with quite some info and mechanics already. Including a series’ first; 3rd stage Galarian evolution for “forgotten” Pokémon. So who are the other lucky ones?

Zigzagoon and Linoone have been blessed with a rather surprising makeover featuring some Gene Simmons’ genes and getting the absolutely beastly Obstagoon 3rd stage. Currently it seems like only the Galarian variant of the Zigzagoon line will be getting that 3rd stage so it made us wonder what other Pokémon would get a galarian makeover and a 3rd stage evolution.

“We were made for loving it!”

There’s a full list of 2 stage Pokémon you can easily find with some search queries. We narrowed it down to some of the most interesting ones that are in need of some extra love and a much awaited evolution!

Let’s kick this off with Bidoof! Our favorite woodeating beaver has gotten to the stage of becoming a meme. Bidoof could be seen as a counterpart for Zigzagoon and we would like to see it sporting some more classy esthetics to counter Obstagoon’s punkiness.


Noctowl might also be a good contender. It is also a native animal to the UK region and could also get a mustache to join weezing’s club. Noctowl could get a Dark/Flying type evolution to spice things up.


“Matching brows”

Masquerain has rain in the name and we would like to make it a full water/ghost Pokémon. A ghosty Masquerain evolution could fit in well within the game’s environment.

“I just noticed how the eyes on its body could be seen as teeth in a smiling mouth with the eyes in the wings as primary eyes.”

Electabuzz and Magmar have already received much love in the form of a 3rd stage evolution but 2 of the more humanoid Pokémon have been left out: Jynx and Mr. Mime. The latter has become quite famous since Detective Pikachu hit theaters and London has quite the amount of mimes in and around the Tube. We would die from laughter if it would get some “Austin Powers” look. And Jynx… is just Jynx and might evolve into a more classy lady in her Galarian form?

Rapidash makes sense to get a 3rd stage or at least a Galarian form. White horses were etched into the green hills in the UK 3000 years ago and are still a sight to behold. It would be perfect to have a Grass/Normal white Rapidash with vines and white flowers in its manes. It would tie in with the mythical lore of Galar and the mysterious runes all over the place.

3000 years ago:
“Imma make a giant horse ‘drawring’ mate!”
“No one will ever see it Dave, don’t do it…”

We would love to see Sudowoodo representing the Royal Guard with a Beefeater evolution where the green matches the typical hat worn by the guards in the UK. It might get a more prominent fighting type.

The one who must not be named… The one without even a pre-evolution… of course it’s Farfetch’d! And it’s not too far fetched at all since ducks are all over Britain. It would also make the leek sporting duck a lot more versatile to use it in actual battles.We would like to see a Flying/Fighting type set up. Where it nullifies all ground damage to counter the many dark types.

Mightyena. Yes we said it! Mightyena just doesn’t look like a final evolution at all. Houndoom already got a Mega so this time around it’s Mightyena’s turn to get a full evo. Normal/Fire might be a fun design in its Galarian form.

“Yo this guy said we don’t look fully evolved. I say his front lawn needs some cleaning tomorrow…”

To finish off we would like to see Dunsparce come to the party. This Pokémon has become the laughing spot for not getting an evolution everytime a new region is announced. It is time to give it a serpentine and bulky evolution to shut the haters up.

So this was our pick out of the large amount of Pokémon that should get an evolution in the new region of Galar. Did we nail some of your favorites or did we forget them? Be sure to give them some representation in the comments below and who knows… Your pick might be in the games coming November 15th with Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield on Nintendo Switch.