Welcome to our review of Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble, a highly-anticipated spiritual successor to the Advance Wars games!
Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble, a turn-based strategy wargame of intrigue with a distinct Japanese flavor
Tiny Metal marks its return with Full Metal Rumble packed to the brim with bigger, better, and more metal content. A new engrossing wartime narrative and beloved tactical gameplay return as Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble revisits the core of what made the first franchise entry a beloved and intense, turn-based strategy experience.
Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble follows a familiar face but new protagonist, the fiercely independent leader of the White Fangs, Commander Wolfram. Search for her brother and stage defenses on multiple fronts against the Dinoldans to stop their excavation of dangerous, ancient technology and restore peace to a land ravaged by the horrors of war.
Full Metal Rumble cranks things up a notch from the original Tiny Metal, offering 77 skirmish maps, 21 of which are available for intense multiplayer showdowns. An expanded army fields more than 21-unit types, with additional Hero and Commander units, to lead into battle across 39 campaign missions. The addition of bonus challenge conditions on every map encourages commanders to fight for goals outside of the main objective. Four new difficulty modes enable veterans and recruits alike to find thrills in the heat of battle
AREA35 has crafted an engaging world with rich history, adding intrigue to every firefight. The writing talent of Hiro Inaba and composing genius of Tomoki Miyoshi bring the characters, world, and action to vibrant life.
Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble actually left a rather boring first impression the first time I played it. I felt the game was slow in gameplay and it just did not advance properly. It took me a while before I really started liking it too. I had to change the game to easy mode, so I could see the entire playfield and now, tens of levels down the line, I am in love.
As this is a technical and tactical game, it comes to no surprise that you need to properly plan your attacks and see that you do not send troops in to battle a highly overpowered enemy like a tank. There is so much to do and I have a lot to explain too on this aspect. So imagine you have 2 troops close to each other, they can merge in order to reclaim “life” but you can also make them attack in pair and the enemy will only counterattack the last attacking troops.
As there is always a counterattack, yours or theirs, you need to plan ahead. Do not attack a troop that can instakill your guys, despite being able to keep reassigning troops, that is just not a smart strategy to pull off in any game. Always make the lowest life troops be the ones to attack last, … A lot of planning when you get low on troops or when you are behind. When in front… You can pretty much start doing whatever in easy mode, but not in the others, they will punish you when you are negligent of proper war conduct.
Levels have their own achievements and main objective. My preferred one being the capture of the enemy HQ. You can deploy ground troops and tanklikes in order to take over buildings and base camps. Base camps are needed in order to help spawn more troops, 1 per turn. There is a preset amount of money per day (which is a turn) and you can freely spend it on whatever troops are available. I enjoyed the added powers to certain units when you get deeper into the game.
The more I played, the more I started enjoying the game. I slowly but surely got better at the game. Before I knew it, I was even coming up with a scheme to ambush an enemy tank with 4 nearly dead troops, just because it would take it out of the picture. It would become immobilized and unable to really go for a better enemy.
I still dislike the pace of the game, I just want more and more and more out of this game and my dislike of the pace is actually a big compliment. I want to play so much more that I want it to go faster, it is that addictive.
In conclusion, knowing very well that Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble is not a game for everyone, I myself did not consider it to be a good game at first, but I stand corrected myself. Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble is fun to play and if you like these tactical games, this becomes a must-buy!