The next big E3 conference was Square Enix. Find out what was presented to us at this years E3.
After last year’s let down by Square Enix, this year better be good!
Final Fantasy VII remake
Right from the start Square comes out with the heavy hitter Final Fantasy 7 remake. We get to see a new trailer which showcases Aerith Gainsborough and the first arrival of Cloud at the site of the Shinra Mako reactor in Midgar. The game is announced to come on 2 blu-ray disks which means the remake will be bigger than anticipated.
Next, we get to see game footage which shows the turn-based system of the original is gone and a real-time battle system as we’ve come to know from final fantasy XV is shown. As you battle a bar fills up and lets you go into a sort of slow-motion combat which represents the original turn-based system called tactical mode.
New gameplay shows Barret and his abilities while Tifa is briefly mentioned but not shown. Switching between characters can be done in real-time. Combining each characters specialties will be hugely beneficial to your success.
The ability to add materia on your weapons is briefly re-introduced to much applause by the fans in the audience.
The big chunk of game play we get to see shows some iconic scenes from the original in a new and exciting way. It felt familiar but yet looks fresh. It looks like this will be a new game to discover and a new system to learn to master all together instead of an upgraded port of the original.
A third trailer finally introduces Tifa Lockheart and some snippets of actual game play are shown featuring Tifa and Aerith. Ending on the reveal of Sephiroth and the announcement of a special edition ends an epic start for Square Enix’ showcase.
Life is Strange 2
The emotionally loaded Life is Strange 2 gets a new episode which was already announced. Showing this again feels like filling out the showcase… already after such a good start.
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
A trailer is shown for the new online multiplayer mode in the Chrystal Chronicles saga coming to switch, ps4 and mobile devices.
Octopath Traveler
Next up is the announcement of Octopath Traveler on steam. Nothing new to see here.
The last Remnant Remastered
Gameplay footage is shown for the last remnant remastered. Coming to switch as of today.
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Following The last Remnant Remastered, a trailer for the next installment in Dragon Quest Builders simply named Dragon Quest Builders 2 is shown. Promising more variety, more to build and more stuff to explore. Dragon Quest Builders 2 looks to become a vast world in which you can be as creative as your imagination allows you. A demo will be available from June 27th
Dragon quest XI echoes of an elusive age definitive edition
Nintendo Switch owners can enjoy the much anticipated definitive edition of Dragon Quest XI echoes of an elusive age.
Circuit Superstars
A new race game is announced by introducing circuit superstars. It looks to be a shell shaded top-down racing game. The distinctive style looks promising and feels very different as opposed to most racing games.
battalion 1944 – eastern front
Battalion 1944 – eastern front is shown to up the interest in the game. As you might already known, Battallion 1944 is a multiplayer war game with almost no-one playing it. An empty lobby is never good for a game so this might be the last attempt at getting this game of the ground.
Square Enix Music
Square Enix’ Games have been known for some of the greatest game soundtracks out there. Enjoying these soundtracks becomes much easier now with Square Enix Music. Square Enix Music will be available on every major streaming service.
Kingdom Hearts 3 – Re:Mind
More gameplay is shown for the expected Kingdom hearts 3 DLC titled Re:mind. Coming this winter.
Final Fantasy XIV online – Shadowbringers
Final Fantasy XIV online’s newest addition titled Shadowbringers is shown and talked about. This was already announced a month before this E3 showcase so no surprises there. The release for this expansion is set on July 2, 2019.
Dying Light 2
A CGI game play trailer is showed for Dying Light 2 which showcases the freerunning part of the game as opposed to what we already saw during the Xbox showcase.
Romancing Saga 3 – remake and Saga Scarlet Grace Ambitions
A trailer is shown for the newest remake of Romancing SaGa 3 introducing new ways to play the game, combining the old style with a newer 3D version.
Saga Scarlet grace ambitions features a new take on the SaGa.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and War of the visions final fantasy brave Exvius
The tactical RPG for mobile phones gets more content announced with War of the Visions.
A CGI trailer is shown for a new IP called Outriders. Showcasing some epic First person battles between 3 humans and some beast-like humanoids. Coming summer 2020. Made by game studio people can fly known for Bulletstorm and Gears of War Judgment, Outsiders will be an up to 3 player co-op in which you can drop in and drop out whenever you want.
Next, another RPG is shown with the trailer of Oninaki telling the story of a “watcher”. The release is set for August 22, 2019
Final Fantasy VIII – remastered
As with many Final Fantasy titles, the eight installments needed a remaster and we’re finally getting it.
Marvel’s Avengers
Finally, the game we’ve all been waiting for. the Marvel Avengers game Square Enix was known to work on is finally revealed. A trailer is shown which showcases all the Avengers. The likeliness of the characters is not matching the movies. Likewise the voicework is not done by the movie cast but by the top of the crop of gaming’s (voice-)actors like for instance Troy Baker. All this means it is not linked to the movie universe. Marvel Avengers is an all-new original stand-alone story in which you will be able to enjoy an epic action-adventure as a single player or in co-op. Captain America, Thor, the Hulk, Black Widow, and Iron Man will all be playable.
Marvel’s Avengers will be an online multiplayer game in which you can team up with other characters. The game is planned to be updated regularly at no additional cost. Lootboxes and other pay to win scenarios as is common with a lot of online multiplayer games won’t be present which should be applauded. PS4, Xbox One, Stadia and PC gamers will all be able to enjoy the world of Marvel’s Avengers. There was no mention of crossplay yet though. The release is planned for May 15, 2020.
With that Square Enix’s showcase is concluded. It started out strong with 15 minutes of actual Final Fantasy VII – remake footage and ended on a bang with Marvel’s Avengers. The middle part wasn’t as exciting except the surprising remaster by final fantasy VIII.