Kotodama: The 7 mysteries of Fujisawa is the first original IP by PQube. Known mostly as a publisher, PQube now tries their hands on developing with this release. Steam, Nintendo Switch and PS4 users will all be able to unravel the many dark mysteries of Fujisawa.
Kotodama: The 7 mysteries of Fujisawa tells the story of a new transfer student who gets entangled in the many mysteries surrounding the campus. Most people you encounter look normal but almost all have some dark secrets hidden. For reasons unknown, you possess the power of Kotodama. Kotodama is an actual ancient Japanese belief in which the power of words can unravel the hidden truth in people. How you use this power is luckily explained by a demon fox who can only be seen by you.
Graphic novel
Kotodama: The 7 mysteries of Fujisawa is mostly a graphic novel. Almost immediately after your arrival, you find out that Fujisawa is riddled with 7 mysteries. These mysteries each get presented in their own chapter. During each chapter you get to know many different characters who will look innocent and normal at first glance. During your “investigations” you’ll uncover many more aspects which seem much darker than initially. Each chapter has you using your Kotodama power to unveil the layers of truth inside a person. Until that moment, the interactions you have are limited to some conversation options.
Despite these options, the story does not stray far from its intended path. Some conversations options do offer you a new “word” which can boost a certain aspect of your Kotodama power. In this, you can find some replay value. If you decide to replay the story, you might find it handy that the developers provided a fast-forward button. Going through lengthy amounts of conversations can thus be skipped almost entirely until you are presented with a conversation option. Convenient, the option you chose during your first playthrough is marked. So if you want to quickly check what you potentially missed, the game makes it easy for you to do so.
Layers of truth
Getting to the truth during your investigation is the only time a game element is used. The power of words or Kotodama ritual is executed by clearing a puzzle. The “words” are represented with orbs of different colors. Connecting 3 of the same in a row pops them and advances a meter. The classic bejewelled, candy crush principle is used but with some minor adjustments. Instead of swapping colors, you can only “warp” colors to the top of the field. On top of this, you only get limited moves to completely strip the person you perform Kotodama on.
That stripping part can be taken literally because you actually need to get the person fully naked for the truth to come out. Mind you, there is no actual nudity but it’s very much implied. The game does a nice job of acknowledging how silly this actually is. I found it quite hilarious especially with the classic anime sounds added while you strip the person you’re questioning. On the other hand I would advice to have an explanation ready if someone would walk in while playing this part of the game… Each character you perform Kotodama on during the story becomes available to play again. Finishing a “solo” game even unlocks different outfits.
Kotodama: The 7 mysteries of Fujisawa offers a truly great classic anime inspired story. The game elements are quite scarce but offer a funny break from the story. Mind you, Kotodama: The 7 mysteries of Fujisawa is an acquired taste. Think of this game as an interactive graphic novel and you won’t be disappointed. If you’re looking for a game though, I wouldn’t bother with this.