Indie Corner: Ascendance

Welcome to our review of Ascendance, a chill first-person game that has a rather artsy style!

Enter the enigmatic world of ASCENDANCE and experience an enchanting and peaceful journey to the sky and beyond.

ASCENDANCE is a calming, relaxing and minimalist first-person 3D Platformer.

Shape your way with mysterious abilities and rise with the enchanted wind platforms beyond the skies within a world which evolves and transforms around you. A journey which leads through different ages of our world awaits you.

I have only played this game for a few hours and well, Ascendance is basically parkour in a game.

As you reach certain parts in the game, others will start appearing and it is your job to get from one part to the next and surpass all the obstacles Ascendance throws at you. Ascendance is an experience with flaws though!

Prior to pointing out some of the flaws, it should be noted that this game is quite relaxing and though not a high octane game, there is a lot of fun to be had in this game! Exploring is everything that holds this game together and at the same time, it might be its biggest flaw! If you are on the lookout for a more energetic game, do skip Ascendance.

Another flaw is the controls, as a first-person platformer, you will often be jumping ledges and up to other platforms, but the long jumps… Damn! More often than not, you will end up missing the landing and you end up falling down. Despite being unable to die, it does suck that you need to restart from down below just because you were unable to land properly.

Mind you that you do get used to the controls, but it might be experienced as disappointing at first. I got used to it during my gameplay, but honestly, I do not make every jump I make and still get annoyed when I do!

This game also has basically no story. Though this is not really a flaw or anything, it does make you wonder sometimes what you are really doing or it might not… I did not need a story but would admit to appreciating a real “purpose” in the game.

Despite all its flaws, this game is fun though. I am somewhat stuck as to how to really rate it. It is so relaxing, I have trouble calling it a game and more leaning towards a tech demo. Which is in itself an even bigger compliment than just calling it a “fun game”.

Graphically, it should also be noted that the game may look like it was made a decade ago, it does do the trick, the trick of looking the way it should. I appreciate this style a lot for 3D platformers but in itself would add maybe a storyline after all?

In conclusion, I feel like I could call it one of the best games or one of the worst attempts, I am that torn as to how to rate this game. I actually spent more than a day letting my conclusion brew in my head. I came down to the realization that the fun and chill experience does outweigh its flaws. I would have liked more of a storyline, but I can live with its current iteration!



Tested on Nintendo Switch