Witch Thief is a type of shooter that is a bit in an arcade style. It is set to start in a canyon like map. In which you only have one way to go. Every now and then you will face a fence or something similar blocking your way. Here you will have to beat some enemies. You have to take out your enemies with different spells. Your enemies will attack you with a bunch of their own spells that you have to dodge. The vast number of projectiles on your display can make it very hard to dodge.
You have some different abilities. Your primary fire is in your left mouse button and shoots three projectiles in a cone. Aiming also happens with the mouse. But you can pick up other spells as you fight and progress the game. You can also absorb all projectiles around you and fire them off into a straight line. This is a particularly handy attack against stronger foes. Then you also have the ability to focus. This will make your attacks easier to aim but will slow down your movement immensely.
About the movement. It’s as easy as using your WASD keys or ZQSD for the azerty users amongst us. The movement is very easy to control and feels very fluent. This together with the mouse aim makes for some amazing mechanics behind this game.
When you play through the story, the enemies keep getting more difficult and you will have to learn some of their attack patterns to beat them. And you will unlock some other characters to play as well. The storyline of the game is quite nicely brought and isn’t the most amazing story ever, but it is very well written.
Witch Thief for me was a very fun experience. In the beginning, I died a lot but whilst getting to know the game and the mechanics I became gradually better and was able to beat the game fairly quick. It was a real challenge but not too hard. You will be able to finish the game, but you have to work for it. For me, this game deserves a good score and I advise everyone who loves this type of game to check it out!