Indie Corner: Ultra Space Battle Brawl

Welcome to our review of Ultra Space Battle Brawl, arcade sports action on Nintendo Switch.

Fight against your friends in a super-silly-yet-most-awesome-intergalactic-definitely-not-baseball-fight-ever! Sit next to your opponent in this couch party battle game that will make your neighbor wish you were not there, or they were there with you making noise and have a really great time together.


Cheers, screams, and overreactions filled room is something that can be easily associated with Ultra Space Battle Brawl, a couch party game that combines Pong, fighting game, and the spirit of having fun together in an 80s over-the-top aesthetic infused with steroids. Play it with your best buddies, rival, family, even your arch enemies! Ultra Space Battle Brawl is a fun competitive game for everyone to enjoy.

With simple control and concept that is easy to learn but hard to master, the game focuses on bringing everyone together to enjoy moments of fun. Rest your thoughts and enjoy the adrenaline rush of short yet highly replayable experience.


With simple control and concept that is easy to learn but hard to master, the game focuses on bringing everyone together to enjoy moments of fun. Rest your thoughts and enjoy the adrenaline rush of short yet highly replayable experience.

In a setting that somewhat resembles a tennis game, you have your “racket” of choice to hit back the ball and while there is no out of bounds, like in Pong, the game is a blast to play. It is tricky from the start and there are some weird design choices that actually work out like a charm! Unlike Pong, it is not just the idea to get the ball behind the line, you actually need to hit the target multiple times.


Once you succeed, you win the match. Do it twice and you proceed to the next battle in story mode. The way you battle though, that is where the real money is. Special attacks like invisible balls or double attackers, …. it feels like every level is a game on its own and it gets more hectic as you go. Nothing beats a comeback victory when so many things are going on at the same time.

It does get even better, the versus mode is basically an invitation to ruin the best of friendships! This game is ruthless and so much fun at the same time.

My sole gripe with the game, at the end of the day, it is simplistic in idea, yet so much fun. It does not bring a deep experience, but the short quick game. I can not see myself play this game for hours straight, but I do see myself play it very often from now on.


In conclusion, Ultra Space Battle Brawl is a fun arcade sports game with 16bit graphics. Great for a short game or two, but will most likely not survive a game night with all the other powerful titles out there on all platforms. My rating is 80%, the fun outweighs the price point and shorter gaming sessions to be had.


Tested on Nintendo Switch