Indie Corner: 6180 The Moon

Welcome to our review of the indie-title 6180 The Moon – a game developed Turtle Cream and PokPoong Games. It was originally released in 2014 and now makes its entrance to the portable system, the Nintendo Switch. And you should be happy it did!

At first glance, the title of the game is a little odd.. but it’s a reference to the creation of the alpha version of the game. It took one hour and forty-three minutes (which is 6180 seconds) to create the levels that would be the ‘base’ of 6180 The Moon. Afterward they added a story, more worlds, and a completely new mode – but still kept the name as a reference of the achievement they made together. PokPoong Games is small South-Korean gamestudio, only known for 6180 the Moon and .. Poem Generator (Pobet) for Android (since, why not).

Mercury is a little .. strange.


In 6180 The Moon the player controls a simple white circle, which references the moon – the protagonist of the game. The only thing the moon can do is jump and move left and right. The catch, however, is that the edges of the screen aren’t really there.. The game loops, which makes the game more challenging. In a regular platformer, you can jump up, and move over the spikes, in 6180 The Moon you have to calculate the jump and take in consideration you’ll end up on the other side of the screen – into the spikes.


The basic premise of the game is to reach the Sun, which is at the end of the planetary line. You’ll visit the Moon (obviously), Earth, Venus, and Mercury, with whom you can chat about the disappearance of the Sun. Eventually, you’ll reach the Sun, which gives the game a little philosophical teint, a nice touch. The goal of each level is to get from the starting point to the exit block. After beating the levels of the Sun-world, you’ll unlock a new mode, since the Moon has to rise again.



6180 The Moon is a nice puzzle-adventure, which took me longer to beat then they needed to create the alpha version of the game. It wins you over with a simplistic art style and nice soundtrack, combined with clever dialogue and some statements which makes you wonder if we treat the Earth like we should. Even if a puzzle gets too frustrating, you can’t die – so don’t go throwing your Switch controller. Just turn of the game, play something else for a while and try again. You need to get into the right mindset for this game. The puzzles are more than just up and down loop-falls – and can be challenging. I had a lot of fun with it – and it’s certainly worth your while! I’m rating the game with 80%.


Tested on Nintendo Switch