Review: Injustice 2: Legendary Edition

Injustice is one of the very big boys in the fighting game world. This game is a game which shares the same playstyle as games like Mortal Kombat and Tekken. Injustice 2 is the sequel to the amazing Injustice: Gods Among Us. Injustice of course, mainly features DC Comics Characters, such as: Batman and Superman just to name the most well-known. Injustice 2 contains a total of 29 of the famous DC heroes and villains. But of course, we are here to discuss the Legendary Edition.

So, what will you get when you purchase the Legendary Edition you ask? Well first of all the base game Injustice 2 of course! Together with all DLC characters, new gear and a higher level-cap. This makes the Injustice 2 experience a lot more diverse and fun to play. If you have the base game and would like to upgrade or if you’re still completely in love with the previous game, then this might be the game version for you!


So, about the DLC character, there are 9 of them and not all of them are actually DC Characters. First of all, you’ve got the Red Hood. This is a real fan favorite anti-hero that uses guns, knives and gadgets to eliminate his enemies. Next, you have the Atom, this guy will shrink to the size of an atom (not an ant, even smaller. It’s not the same!) and will be able to deal a devastating blow to his enemies without them even being able to see him. Black Manta, Starfire, and Enchantress have also been added to the line-up.

Then we have the characters from other franchises, like Sub-Zero and Raiden who both originate from Mortal Kombat. Then we have Hellboy, who deals his fiery wrath upon his enemies and then, of course, one of the most amazing squads in all of history… The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! It is just awesome to play with them against heroes such as Batman or Superman.

The game itself gives you hours of playtime to play through the story mode and then a whole bunch more hours to unlock all the gear there is to find for your favorite heroes. This does feel a bit grindy but when you play the multiverse you get some new challenges every day. This makes it a bit more fun to grind for items.


All in all, if you’re still in doubt about buying this game, then I would quote Shia Labeouf: “Just, Do it!”. Injustice 2 is an awesome game and a big improvement over the first game, and the Legendary Edition just adds onto it. If you thought it was fun to fight as the joker against Batman, then try to fight against Aquaman as Hellboy. Their combo’s and abilities play very well and their ultimates look stunning.

In this review, I specifically went over the stuff you get in the Legendary Edition, I’ll place a link below this paragraph to our review of the base game itself. Check it out, it will not disappoint and the DLCs are really worth it in my opinion. Have fun with it and get creative with your matchups, I’ll be trying a lot of stuff in the next weeks!



Tested on Xbox One