The first DLC pack of Call of Duty WWII has been released and this time the DLC pack is a bit more serious than previous COD- games. No more running around in abandoned recreation parks but definitely running around in an almost abandoned part of Prague. The developers chose a more historical direction for their DLC packs to stay in theme with the main game.
The DLC- pack contains a fair amount of new content like three different maps: Occupation (Paris, France), Valkyrie ( East Prussia, Germany) and Anthropoid ( Prague, Czechoslovakia), a new war mission “operation intercept”, another chapter for Nazi Zombies “ The darkest shore”. Let’s talk about the different maps first.
Anthropoid is a small map based on a town in Prague. It looks like the map was kind of a reworked map from the base game because of its similarities with older maps. The map offers a lot of alleyways to backtrack your enemy without shadowing the nearest cover wall. The setting also offers a couple of indoor and outdoor routes to get around the map. The map also has a small dock to shake up the environment a bit. I was surprised to see that the developers allowed the characters to take a dip in the water without being afraid of a sudden death animation.
The second map is called “Valkyrie” and it’s set in East Prussia, Germany. This map has a great dark atmosphere, I’m truly fond off, it fits perfectly into the WWII setting of Call of Duty. It’s a damaged forest with a giant machine room and office building complex that fills up the map. It has a great hidden industrial vibe that’ll boost your world war immersion. The burning trees are a great “atmosphere setter” as well.
Occupation is the final map and it’s set in Paris, France. You can see that the developers put a lot of work in some of the details of the map. The map offers a butcher shop next to a burning building, a center courtyard along with the smell of burning corpses. It’s a great map where verticality plays a big part.
Operation Intercept is a mission that’ll expand the “War” mode but it’s the least interesting part of the DLC. War mode is definitely a great way to offer some variation within the game but from what I’ve played, it feels a bit of a mixed up reworked version of the original missions. The developers didn’t add too much “new” to this map because two of the three objectives are already present in the three War operations we already had. Still, the mission offers some interesting paths to clear out different key points during the match but both teams will still have to do some recon work to see how they can utilize their “play area” the best. The concept of the mission is about freeing French resistance leaders and stop a Nazi train that’s headed to the frontlines. The main goal “objective gameplay styled missions” is still there and the first run can be a lot of fun but it becomes repetitive very quickly.
The last part of the DLC is “The cursed shore” mission for the Nazi Zombie mode. The story goes further onto a mysterious island that’s filled with tunnels, secret rooms and of course a lot of zombies. While this chapter offers a lot of mystery puzzles and is a blast to solve, it’ll definitely take some time to get to a solution. This chapter offers a great challenge, but you’ll have to test your patience in order to be successful. It’ll take you multiple times to figure out your way to the main objective. As long as your fireteam offers the support they’re supposed to, everything will be fine.
The new zombie chapter also offers a new Saw gun that’s fun to use. It starts off slow but it’s a blast once you reach its full power. It’s a very handy weapon to mow down all of these brain eaters and spider zombies. These spider zombies aren’t to be underestimated as they’ll use the walls and ceiling to hunt you down or even to escape. Another feature the game offers, are the waves of fog which makes communication with your party members impossible if you’re not communicating through your headphones because it’s a difficult obstacle to get by but it’s definitely a nice touch to create a creepy vibe.
The Resistance DLC offers a bit more variety with the multiplayer maps, another “War” mission and a fun Nazi Zombie chapter. The maps offer different vibes and settings to create some interesting combat encounters: Valkyrie is a great map with a lot of options to encounter enemies in close quarters, Anthropoid offers some freedom to Snipers and Paris offers some high ground support to the war zone. Operation expands the map rotation in War mode, and even though it was enjoyable, I really hope for some more creative objectives within this mode. The Darkest Shore is a great atmospheric story chapter with the interesting mist feature and challenging puzzles. It’s an okay start, but let’s hope they’ll keep pushing their boundaries.