Nindie Showcase spring 2018

Today was the Nintendo Switch showcase for the Nindie titles! We have the full list of games that were discussed right here!

The show can be watched on the following link:

As usual, the presentation was hosted by Damon Baker. Joined by Kirk Scott, this is the Nindie Showcase!

Titles talked about were:

  1. Mark of the Ninja Remastered (fall 2018)
  2. Fantasy Strike (summer 2018)
  3. Just shape and beats (summer 2018)
  4. Garage (spring 2018)
  5. Pool panic (2018)
  6. Bomb Chicken (summer 2018)
  7. Lumines Remastered (spring 2018)
  8. Reigns (spring 2018)
  9. Light Fall (spring 2018)
  10. West of Loathing (spring 2018)
  11. Pode (spring 2018)
  12. The messenger (summer 2018)
  13. Bad North (summer 2018)
  14. Banner Saga 3 (summer 2018 with 1 and 2 coming too)