Interview: Douglas Bogart, co-founder/owner of Limited Run Games

Joining Gaming Boulevard today is co-founder/owner of Limited Run Games (LRG), Douglas Bogart. Arriving on the scene in 2015, LRG quickly made a name for itself by providing gamers an opportunity to own previously digital-only titles on a physical format. Although primarily focused on the PS4 and PS Vita, the company is going to be adding the Nintendo Switch to their catalog with Thimbleweed Park as the first release!

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is Douglas Bogart and I am a co-founder/owner of Limited Run Games.

Growing up, what was the first console and game you remember playing?

The first console I ever played was the NES at my cousin’s house. We played a ton of Mario and with her being a year older than I was she taught me how to play the game.

What is your fondest video game memory from your childhood?

My fondest memory is probably playing Star Fox with my dad. He knew all the secret paths in the game!

Did you always want to work in the video game industry?

Yes and no. I knew I wanted to do something creative and something related to games. I originally wanted to do video game soundtracks, but I never really had the time to focus on that or a project to work on.

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Let’s talk about Limited Run Games, which was founded in 2015. Can you share a quick history as to how the company was formed and its mission?

Josh and I formed it as a spin-off of Mighty Rabbit Studios. MRS was running out of money and we had one game on PSN that we could “preserve” physically on Vita as a last-ditch effort to save the company or at the least have something to show people. We put it on sale with only 1,500 copies on a “dead” platform and it sold out in 108 minutes.

Currently, LRG produces games for the PS4 and PS Vita. Of all the releases over the past few years, which are your top three for each console?

Flinthook, Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics and Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath probably!

It’s time to “switch” gears! Back in October, LRG announced the studio would be publishing games for Nintendo’s newest console. Fast forward to today and we are mere days away from your first Switch release, Thimbleweed Park. What has the feeling been for you and your colleagues during these last few months in anticipation of the inaugural Switch day?

It’s been crazy here. Everyone is super excited. As a kid who grew up with Nintendo I never thought I’d actually be working with them. We plan to make each release special and we are picking only games we consider great!

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With Thimbleweed Park, LRG is providing an open pre-order option for the standard edition. Are there plans to adopt this reservation system moving forward?

If this does well we plan to continue the trend with our first few releases. This way no one is locked out of a full collection and it also helps better gauge demand. We have so many competitors now that the “limited” aspect isn’t enough to sell people anymore so you need great games too!

Will the release schedule be limited to one title a month or could we see an increase in the schedule per month moving forward?

The goal is 1-2 max per month unless something crazy comes along. However, we are being super strict on this rule. We don’t want to burn out our customers!

Now that the Switch has been out for over a year, what would be your top three games, currently on the eShop, that you would love to port to a physical cartridge?

Night in the Woods, Golf Story and Yooka-Laylee!

Top three upcoming digital games?

Gekido Kintaro’s Revenge, Danmaku Unlimited 3, and Lumines.

Are there any plans to slow, or maybe even stop, releases for the PS Vita and PS4 as the Switch enters your catalog?

We plan to slow down, but not stop. Vita will slow down just due to new games not coming out, but we will support it until we are told to stop. For PS4, we are signing less now to slow down.

Over the past couple of weeks, there has been growing buzz on social media about the rise of publishers releasing limited copies of physical games. What is your opinion on this?

I think they will realize quickly that the “limited” nature isn’t a selling point anymore and that you need great games too. Also, you shouldn’t come out the door swinging insults at your competitors when you are the noobie on the scene. It reflects badly in the community and people talk.

For those paying attention, Saturday Morning RPG, Flinthook, and Mercenary Kings have all been confirmed as future LRG Switch releases. However, are you able to tease an unannounced Switch title? Maybe a clue or two?

I can’t give away anything, might be too slimy.

Finally, is there anything else you’d like to share today?

Looking forward to being part of the Switch community!

Make sure to pre-order your copy of Thimbleweed Park on Friday, March 30, 2018 for the PS4 and Nintendo Switch!

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