Welcome to our review of a game that is all about “using” brains on Nintendo Switch, welcome to our review of I, Zombie.
Command your zombie horde and infect the whole world! Fool the military and ensure no one stays safe – it’s the Zombiepocalypse, with built-in level editor!
Once you were a human, like everyone else, but that doesn’t matter anymore. Your sole purpose is simple – eat as many brains as possible and turn everyone into your kind. Become a leader of your horde and infect all the humans on the map. Whenever you turn another poor human being into a brainless, green-skinned creature, you gain full control over their existence. You can command your horde to attack armed soldiers, infect helpless civilians, follow you, or await orders. Each scenario requires a different tactical approach and careful planning to achieve world domination.
And if you think you’re done after spreading your plague on all campaign levels, it’s time for the next step – I, ZOMBIE’s built- in level editor lets you build your own maps and challenge your skills just the way you like.
This game is a lot harder than it looks, it is a game where strategy is your best weapon and you will learn to rely more on your wits than on your luck! Stop the zombies from moving, order them to attack or just to follow you, this game is literally all about using your brain in order to eat brains, no pun intended, I guess…
The tutorial is especially short, it shows everything it wants to show and is over in mere seconds. As more and more levels pass, you do get some more clues like which civilians to kill first, but isn’t it quite normal to first kill a scientist rather than a scared cat civilian? Exactly, the game is once again all about tactics. Take for example the times that 3 soldiers, armed with fast firing guns, are your target. As they hit you, you slow down and it takes a while to recharge yourself. So you need to send in your troops to defeat that pack of 3 soldiers. You could try luring 1 out of the pack, they have clear walking lines so if 1 is lagging a little behind, why not go for him? Nothing coward about it, we are the bad guys, not the humans trying to survive!
Regardless of what happens to your troops, you are the one that can not die. So no playing the zombie hero and sacrifice yourself and instruct the zombies to eat the soldier’s brains, no no! This kind of playing style kills you. You can send them in to attack, walk around a little and attack the soldiers from another side. As you progress through the levels, it becomes more and more clear that there is no “perfect” approach to a game like this. Every set up it gives you in all the levels, it is never just the easy way out.
I did get a little disappointed at being unable to take screenshots, I wanted to show the end of a level, where it explains how to get 3 stars in a level. Whether it is a timed challenge or to survive with a preset number of zombies, pictures say more than a thousand words and I do find it sad that I can not share this tidbit with you, I had to take my screenshots from the Nintendo website instead…
In conclusion, this game is not for anyone looking to find an easy game, on the contrary, I would more recommend it for anyone loving a challenge actually! The level editor is cool, the game could maybe get a few more easy levels in the beginning, but at the low price point this game is sold at, there is no real reason to complain if you are into more challenging strategy games.
My rating is 70%