The treasure trove is the most complete version of the Shovel knight game series. We played it on the Nintendo Switch!
When I first heard this collection of games was coming to the Nintendo Switch, I just knew it was going to end up in my downloads. Having played and owning the original Shovel Knight on the Wii U, I knew what I was getting into, a great indie game that is rather difficult!
This pack contains the original game, the Plague of Shadows and the latest Specter of Torment. Having played the 2 original parts, I did get bored with second one, but that is mostly because I had that certain sense of deja-vu, you know what I am talking about.
But enter the third installment, Specter of torment, a breath of fresh air in this amazing series, the prequel to the original Shovel Knight. Armed with a scythe, you start the game, quickly getting the hang of things. Even though this is not the easiest of games, I would consider it easier than the original games. Slashing through enemies, porting to other levels through a big magical mirror, having a little shovel knight faerie help you after scanning the amiibo, … Yeah, the nice folks over at Yacht club promised us a great game and surely delivered it! One of my favorite attacks being that flying slash over and over again! This game really gets it right!
In conclusion, I would recommend this game for everyone that liked the original game, the game has that great original Megaman feel, the same kind of difficulty in its levels and overall just a good gaming experience, which comes accompanied with a really satisfying soundtrack, Yacht Club has announced more future content and I can’t wait to try it all!
If you are new to this series, I would suggest trying it out as well! For those new to the series, this pack has it all, but if you are not sure, Specter of Torment can be bought separately as well on the eshop!
I hope you will like it as much as I did!