Winter is a narrative-driven exploration game that takes place one second before a young girl dies.
Welcome to our very first Indie Showcase video. In these videos, we’ll put the spotlight on one (upcoming) Indie game that caught our attention. Indie Showcase is meant as your place to go if you want to discover interesting Indie games that are on the market already or that will release later on.
The first game we would like to give some extra attention is Winter, a Belgian Indie game. We noticed and played the game during Indie Europe and would like to share the game with you here. In Winter, you’ll play as a young girl, seconds before she dies. You wake up in a room that you’ll need to escape, filled with memories of your past and hidden clues. Don’t be mistaken however, Winter isn’t an escape room type of game. Instead, it combines great narratives with atmospheric music to guide you through the puzzles.
It’s just out of pre-production so there’s still plenty of work to be done but don’t let this scare you from checking this promising title out right now: