Viscerall, Respawn, Dice, Motive, Capital and even Criterion and Bioware are working on Star Wars games. And we got to see none of them.
We know EA has a partnership with with Disney to produce all Star Wars games. And EA is doing just that. There are a ton of Star Wars games in development and sadly none of them were actually shown. Instead we get to see a very high budget video showing developers talking about the games they are making. We did get some small things out of the video tough. Like at one point there is a man with a Playstation VR on and we actually got to see supposed actual footage of Visceral’s Star Wars game. It’s only a few seconds but if it is actual in-engine it looks mighty impressive. Oh and it’s not coming until 2018. We also know Respawn is working on a 3rd person action game
Guess we have to wait next year for something…
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