News: Want to see some Star Wars game? Too bad here are people making the games though.

Viscerall, Respawn, Dice, Motive, Capital and even Criterion and Bioware are working on Star Wars games. And we got to see none of them.

We know EA has a partnership with with Disney to produce all Star Wars games. And EA is doing just that. There are a ton of Star Wars games in development and sadly none of them were actually shown. Instead we get to see a very high budget video showing developers talking about the games they are making. We did get some small things out of the video tough. Like at one point there is a man with a Playstation VR on and we actually got to see supposed actual footage of Visceral’s Star Wars game. It’s only a few seconds but if it is actual in-engine it looks mighty impressive. Oh and it’s not coming until 2018. We also know Respawn is working on a 3rd person action game

Guess we have to wait next year for something…


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