Review: Ratchet and Clank (2016)

Ratchet and Clank finally arrive on the next generation Playstation console. This time around, however, the game is a remake of the first game released on the Playstation 2 AND a tie-in with the soon-to-be-released Ratchet and Clank movie. Needless to say, Ratchet and Clank are coming back big. But does the game deliver or is it just a pale imitation of the original.


I always wanted to be a Galactic Ranger.

Ratchet and Clank might be a remake of the original game with the same enemies, and generally, the same level layout but its story mixes things up considerably. The story follows the same framework from the original game. Ratchet, a Lombax living on a backwater planet meets a robot he names Clank who has information on a scheme of a mad chairman called Drek. Drek plans to build his own planet from other planets, destroying them in the process. Ratchet and Clank decide to show the plans to Captain Quark but when Quark appears to be more of a glory hog rather than a hero, the two decide to take things into their own hands. The difference with the original is that events seem to happen at different times and there are new characters thrown into the mix. It’s the same story but told in a radically different way. One key difference is that this time, Captain Quark is actually reciting the events that happened. This, of course, leads to many funny jokes with Quark commentating on things like destroying the environment for Bolts or standing next to a statue of Quark will make the man comment on his looks. While the game is a remake it’s also based on the Ratchet and Clank movie that’s coming out soon. Many of the cutscenes are in-game but the CGI scenes are all just scenes from the movie. Usually, this isn’t a good thing but all the scenes blend so well with the game you wouldn’t even know it’s from the movie. The writing is sharp and funny. Most of the comedy is aimed at younger audiences but the jokes work for older audiences as well. Ratchet and Clank tells the same story but in a very different way and by one of the funniest characters in the series. Ratchet and Clank above all is funny.

Ratchet & Clank™_20160411030005The writing is very funny.


An absolute blast.

If you played any mainline Ratchet and Clank game you know what you’re in for. Ratchet and Clank is a 3D platformer with a big focus on weapons. The series is well-known for its crazy creative weapons. This game is no exception. Most of the weapons from the original game return along with some new toys. For instance, there is a weapon that launches an orb that pulsates shock waves or a weapon that pixelates the enemy before breaking into many blocks. The more a weapon is used the more experience it gets. Once a weapon levels up, it gains extra attribute and a different design. In the previous games, the reward was not only getting a stronger weapon but also seeing the cool animations when a gun leveled up. So far Ratchet and Clank doesn’t seem to have these upgrade screens. There is just a notification that tells you your weapon leveled up. It makes upgrading guns nearly not as fun.

The worlds you visit are all beautifully done and have great level designs. There are also a ton of collectibles to hunt for in the game. Golden Bolt makes a return along with new collectible trading cards. These cards can be found in secret spots in the level or can be obtained by killing enemies. Golden Bolt can be used to buy cheats and visual upgrades. Alternate skins seem to strangely be absent and the cheats aren’t fun like in the previous games. Instead, cheats such as unlimited ammo are available. Even though small things are absent, none of that keeps Ratchet and Clank from being an amazing platformer with great level design and amazing gunplay.

Ratchet & Clank™_20160411030748Gameplay is fast and frantic.



Visually Ratchet and Clank might be one of, if not the, best looking Playstation 4 game out there right now. The lighting looks great and the environments and models are amazingly sharp. The use of colors makes every location a piece of eye-candy. All the fauna and flora look great. Not only are they amazing designs but they are all animated so fluently. There is not a single blurry texture in sight. Every character, enemy, object and plant looks amazing. Menus are sleek and simple and easy to navigate. Gone is the music of Metropolis or Veldrin. The music seems to use the film score or at least, sounds like it. It’s a bit disappointing to hear the series dump the alien sounding tracks for orchestral pieces. Insomniac set out to make not only one of the best-looking game out now but an amazingly creatively designed game.

Ratchet & Clank™_20160411021408The lighting and shading combined with the colors and designs make this a real looker.

A fresh yet nostalgic trip.


Closing note:

The Ratchet and Clank remake keeps true to the original but still mixes things up enough in both the narrative and level design. The game tells the same story but in a different way with new characters and even some that showed up in later games. The gameplay is the same as the other games for the most part. Unless you’re fatigued from the series, it’s the same amazing gameplay that almost perfectly combines 3D platforming and gunplay. Visually a powerhouse, Ratchet and Clank looks amazing. Ratchet and Clank is a welcome 3D platformer in a world where the genre is heavily underrepresented.
