Let’s talk with: Yacht Club Games – part 2

A while back we had a talk with David D’Angelo of Yacht Club Games, you can read this interview here.
After that interview, a lot of stuff happened for Yacht Club Games, including a Shovel Knight amiibo and Indivisible inclusion, time to ask David D’Angelo some more questions!

Shovel Knight already became one of the big Indie mascots. With his inclusion in Indivisible, can we expect the Knight to pop up in other places? How did he or other Shovel Knight characters end up in Indivisible? Did you approached Lab Zero for this or was it the other way around?

Yeah! Shovel Knight has already popped up in a ton of games and is planned for more. We love to see Shovel Knight in other titles. We’re friends with the team at Lab Zero, and they simply asked if Shovel Knight could be in their game. And we couldn’t say no after we saw the beautiful art they made!

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A game like Indivisible deserves some extra attention

We’re all excited for the Shovel Knight amiibo to release in stores. How was it to create your own amiibo? Did you need to follow any guidelines? Did you work together with Nintendo to make this happen?
It has been a ton of fun. We definitely collaborated with Nintendo to make it happen! Nintendo worked with with us every step of the way from approving the amiibo content in game to making sure the toy matched their quality standards.

What can we expect from the amiibo? Will it be supported in more games in the future?
A lot of new gameplay! New relics, equipment, the ability to customize Shovel Knight’s look, new challenge stages, and on Wii U, two player co-op! We plan to continue support of the Shovel Knight amiibo in future Yacht Club Games and Nintendo products!

Amiibo use in more Nintendo products? I wonder which games could use some Shovel Knight love…
A lot of fans are hoping for Shovel Knight in Smash, is this amiibo a hint to an inclusion? How happy would you be if the Knight entered Smash?
We’d be ecstatic if Shovel Knight was in Smash! That would be an incredible honor.
During a recent interview with us, you mentioned that Tingle would work fine as a Nintendo platform exclusive boss or stage. Can we expect Nintendo exclusive content in the future? Are there any Nintendo specific DLC plans? If not, what would be your ultimate Nintendo DLC?
We don’t have any plans for more Nintendo specific DLC content. But we’d always love to do something with Tingle. He’s the best!

What are your plans for the future? Are you working on more Shovel Knight or are you focussing on a new IP?
We’d love to continue the Shovel Knight franchise, but we’d also love to do something completely new. Right now, we’re focused on completing all the Shovel Knight content such as Specter Knight’s campaign, King Knight’s campaign, Body Swap Mode, and 4 player battle mode.
Tingle in Shovel Knight? Still possible!