NEWS: Wonderbook: Diggs Nightcrawler – release information

A new game for Sony’s Wonderbook was released today and it’s called Diggs Nightcrawler.

This second Wonderbook title was created with the help of  Moonbot Studio and is all about solving crime in Library City.

In the game your helping Diggs Nightcrawler, detective and a fan of books but everything changes when his best friend gets murdered. To make things even Diggs got the blame for the murder. It’s up for the player and Diggs to search for clues in Library City. Clues can be found by talking to characters or by flipping over numerous pages of the books on the shelves.

The game is inspired on popular Film Noir movies and is created by Acadamy Award Winning studio ‘Moonbot Studio’.

In stores now for PlayStation 3 with Wonderbook.