Pause For Thought: Losing Faith With The PS Vita

It has been just over two months since the PS Vita released here in the EU. I’m still finding myself playing the device on a daily basis. With Wipeout 2048 and Treasures of Montezuma Blitz captivating that “pick up and play” style gaming for me. In my opinion it’s a wonderful device and it deserves every bit of praise it gets.

Sadly sales have certainly not been high. In fact they are low and are continuing to tumble on a global scale. It’s a worrying situation for Sony and worrying for the future of the PS Vita. It’s launch line up offered a wide selection of games and the support was there from both first party and third party publishers. The games may not have been the best quality wise but a few games really stood out among the rest. Now though the game support is being to slow down and really take a lull.

It feels like the future of the Vita is already jeopardised only after two months of it sitting on the shelves. The lack of support and announced games is really a big issue in this. Off the top of my head I can only think of Gravity Rush, Resistance Burning Skies and Mortal Kombat releasing this summer. Three games will hardly make a difference. Two of these games wont reach the Vita until June either; it’s too long to wait. These games need to be released now.

This years E3 will be an important time for the Vita. What is needed is the announcement of well known franchises making their way to the handheld. Games such as Call Of Duty, Dead Space and Bioshock being announced for it would really boost the Vita sales. As well as these games the continued support of indie developers is still important, look at how well Escape Plan has done.

The price of the device has been considered it’s main downfall. Sure as release it was quite a tough investment to make. However, recently we have seen many price reductions and bundles. Which all contain memory cards and the finest of the games out at the moment. Hopefully, these reductions should encourage more people to take the plunge into purchasing a Vita.

This is all based upon my opinion however. Many Vita gamers are still thoroughly enjoying all the launch games on offer and are content with the device. I still remain content with the Vita but I’m losing faith, as the lack of announced support is very worrying. I can remain hopeful for E3.